How to use Revenue Intelligence to improve your sales

Extracting real value from sales information is a common challenge for many companies due to the lack of adequate data in CRMs and other sources. Despite the advanced capabilities of the latter, incorrect data or lack of data entered by individuals can limit their usefulness. However, revenue intelligence offers a solution by leveraging technology to compensate for human errors and optimize operational productivity.

In this text, we’re going to show you how to use revenue intelligence to identify sales opportunities and increase your customers.

Identify Sales Opportunities with Revenue Intelligence

Adopt an omnichannel view of the customer experience

To be a good seller, it’s necessary to have a comprehensive view of the customer experience at all touchpoints, even when customers interact through different channels and devices. Customer experience leaders are adopting omnichannel approaches to reorganize their businesses and seize growth opportunities.

By continuously managing and measuring customer journeys, companies can better understand their tastes, interests, behavior, and objectives. Customer journey analytics enables the analysis of millions of interactions over time and orchestrates actions, such as upselling or cross-selling offers, at relevant moments for the customer. This approach has been proven to increase conversions and generate impact on companies’ revenues and profitability.

Lengthen the customer life

Retaining customers is just as important as acquiring new ones. The Lifetime Value (LTV) is a key metric indicating a customer’s loyalty and value to a company. With LTV, companies can measure customer retention and loyalty, which is just as crucial as acquiring new ones. Cross-selling and upselling strategies help strengthen the relationship with customers and increase their LTV.

Artificial Intelligence can enhance these strategies by using historical data to suggest relevant products during sales opportunities. Account executives and sellers, managing multiple customers and products, can benefit from the use of transactional data to suggest the right products at the right time, optimizing sales and increasing the value of their deals.

Anticipate customer actions

A crucial tactic of revenue intelligence is knowing and responding to customers’ buying motivations. By using solid data on their intentions, more effective strategies can be developed. By integrating this data into revenue intelligence software, alerts can be generated when buying indicators suggesting a potential customer are identified, and one can anticipate with attractive proposals.

Focus on real prospects

The quality of leads is crucial for the success of an organization’s revenue engine. Revenue intelligence enables the guarantee of contact data accuracy in the CRM, as well as adopting a data-based approach for lead scoring. These high-value prospects are a priority for the sales team, which can focus its resources on them to encourage conversion.

How to Personalize Your Offers with Revenue Intelligence

In a changing environment with shifting customer expectations, sales leaders must be agile and base their decisions on up-to-date data. Revenue intelligence provides advanced buying signals, segmentation data, guidance, and revenue and pipeline forecasting, enabling personalized communications with customers.

Moreover, in a sales call, the perception of a prospect’s buying readiness goes beyond their explicit comments. It is based on subconscious signals such as body language and the quality of questions. However, traditional sales analytics focus on explicit buying signals, overlooking implicit signals throughout the prospect’s journey. Revenue intelligence leverages AI-driven analysis to collect these insights, allowing sales representatives to personalize their communications, prioritize prospects, and generate higher revenues.

Revenue intelligence offers useful insights that facilitate the personalization of your messages, the creation of effective communication with potential customers, and the development of strong relationships with customers to enhance retention opportunities. By utilizing these insights, you can remarkably boost your ability to close deals and maintain a loyal customer base.

How to Improve the Effectiveness of Your Sales Teams with Revenue Intelligence

Adopting a data-based approach and comprehending the business in-depth can make a difference when managing the performance of the sales team and achieving business success. Revenue intelligence helps answer important questions, such as the level of the sales team’s engagement with key accounts, how to focus on the right negotiations and close them quicker, and assign the strongest executives to vital negotiations. By working smarter, not harder, revenue intelligence provides key benefits to optimize sales performance.

Train your teams

Boost productivity through real-time tracking and regular individual evaluations. Show new sales representatives where to start and guide them to make savvy business decisions.

Evaluate with data

Having simplified access to key sales metrics in a single place can make a difference for your sales team to reach their monthly goals. Sales leaders need to stay updated about their business and make data-driven decisions instead of wasting time searching for sales information. With a centralized view, leaders can identify which segments are performing well and replicate the success in other teams.

Focus their efforts

Revenue intelligence gives you the tools to confirm if your sales strategy is the right one. It will allow you to determine if your team is dedicating their time to the highest potential prospects, if they are spending too much time on a potential customer who will not make a purchase, or if they are not dedicating enough time to a prospect who is willing to buy.

Eliminate manual data entry

Revenue intelligence allows sales leaders to optimize their team’s time and improve the accuracy of the data used for forecasting and analysis, by automating data entry into the CRM and enhanced information capture during customer interactions. This advancement prevents the loss of relevant data, optimizes sales funnel management, and makes forecasts more accurate. Therefore, revenue intelligence not only streamlines data management processes but also reinforces decision-making, allowing the sales team to focus on the most promising opportunities and maximize their productivity.

Reduce internal communication

Revenue intelligence gives sales leaders complete visibility into customer conversations, allowing for more efficient training and effective team collaboration. By using artificial intelligence, crucial information is extracted that can be used in training sessions, enhancing their productivity. Additionally, it provides real-time feedback and alerts on ongoing calls, streamlining deal strategies and follow-up calls, ensuring a shared vision of the customer situation. Simultaneously, it optimizes internal collaboration by avoiding an excess of emails and chats; team members can interact directly within recordings of customer conversations and receive automatic notifications about important topics.

Align teams around the customer

A lack of visibility and understanding of customer needs can negatively impact sellers, as they are forced to deal with support issues, customer onboarding, and internal coordination, thus reducing their selling time. To solve this, it’s important to clearly define the responsibilities of each team and the handover points throughout the customer lifecycle, providing transparency in customer interactions. By providing access to a library of customer calls and emails, adjacent teams can refer to each touchpoint without relying on representatives for updates. This frees up time for more productive activities, such as selling, and creates a customer-centric experience from start to finish.

Apply Revenue Intelligence to Your Business Starting Today

Upbe is a revenue intelligence platform that helps increase sales and team productivity.

To boost sales, Upbe uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze large volumes of data, and detect patterns and trends that can provide sales teams with valuable insights. With this information, sales teams can personalize their offers and communications, identify sales opportunities, predict customer behaviors, and make more informed decisions.

In addition, Upbe helps you increase your team’s productivity by automating many manual tasks and improving their training through the objective analysis of their performance.

Request a demonstration.

What are sales metrics and how can I use them to improve my sales strategies?

Sales metrics are key indicators that measure sales performance and can include closing ratios, conversion rates, cost per lead, return on investment (ROI), and customer lifetime value (LTV). To improve your sales strategies using these metrics, you should first list what you are currently measuring. Then, identify an additional area you can measure, such as data from your website or the value of different customer segments. Over time, track and review your measurements, which should facilitate your marketing decisions. Involve your team in this process so that the metrics are adopted more quickly into your standard operating procedures. Finally, repeat this process, adding metrics one by one and taking action based on your findings.

What are effective sales techniques and how can I use them alongside Revenue Intelligence?

Sales closing techniques are effective tactics for converting prospects into customers, and by combining them with Revenue Intelligence, the sales process can be optimized. Using Revenue Intelligence, valuable information about customers is collected, which allows for a personalized sales approach and tailoring closing techniques to each customer. Furthermore, solid relationships can be established and suitable persuasion techniques applied to close the sale. Intelligent post-sale follow-up, based on data analysis, helps foster customer loyalty and generate repeat sales.